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October 10, 2009

Star Wars Food Ideas and Giveaway

Okay... FINALLY a week later, I have an idea for a giveaway.

Last night we had Tatooine Toast (French Toast), and C3PO.J. It was simple, but fun. I am hoping to do a Star Wars themed dinner EVERY Friday night that we watch Clone Wars. See my post about our Clone Wars party. I realize almost any food could be adapted with a Star Wars name, but I could use come creative help! Here's how it's going to work:

I will give away 3 things-

* A set of Star Wars crayons and mini Star Wars notepad.

* 10% off your total Pampered Chef order coupon (redeemable only through me).

* A Pampered Chef kids gift set (put together by me- My Safe Cutter; Cut-N-Seal; Stoneware Heart Mold; and a reusable Pampered Chef Shopping Bag) valued at about $20.

Here's how to win:

1. MANDATORY ENTRY- Leave me a comment with one idea for Star Wars Food. I will let my boys pick their favorite, and that will be the winner of ONE of the prizes.

The other prizes will be drawn RANDOMLY (using Here's how to get more entries:
2. Leave more comments with more Star Wars Food ideas. There is NO limit to how many idea comments you leave.

3. Blog about this giveaway to all your friends and fans. Leave me the link so I can check you out too!

4. Add the link to this giveaway on a Mr Linky or a blog giveaway site, forum, carnival. Be sure to leave the link.

5. Subscribe to my blog or become a Follower. Be sure to confirm your e-mail, if you subscribe. Don't forget to leave a comment letting me know. If you all ready do/ are you can leave a comment to.

I will accept entries until Thursday October 22 at midnight. That way I can start using the new ideas for Friday's episode. I will post the winners and they can choose their prizes. Be sure to leave a way for me to contact you in your comment. If I don't hear back from the winners in 48 hrs. a new winner will be selected. Thanks for visiting and for sharing!


Unknown said...


Here are some ideas (I am not very creative, so I did a search)-

Tuscan Raider Taters (Tater Tots)

Bobba Fett-uccine (Fettucinne)

Ewok Eggs (Scrambled Eggs)

Chewbacca's Chicken and Cous Cous

Tatooine Trifle

Hoth Hash

Storm Trooper Souper

Chewbacca Noodle Soup (I came up with this one on my own)

Jenna- UT said...

Here's a gross one- Spaghetti Noodles and sauce= Sarlac Pit (is that how you spell it?)

Jenna-UT said...

OK- here's one you probably all ready heard, since it's in a Star Wars Cook Book. Hon- Burgers. I thought that was clever!

Jenna-UT said...

This one came from a cookbook too- Wookie Cookies

Amber- ID said...

I'm sure you have heard this one, living in Idaho and all. I've seen it on t-shirts. But since I haven't seen it yet... Darth Tater.

Cousin Candice said...

What about Leia Buns? Make Danish/ Cinnamon Rolls. Rolled like her buns. Or braids like her braids.