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October 4, 2009

Quilt Cake

Again, yes I have been cooking, just nothing too exciting to post. I have REALLY gotten into the Couponing, so we eat based on what's in our pantry. Unfortunately that's not always a Pampered Chef recipe, or a gourmet dish, or even something blog worthy. I need to find a balance between the two. I know it's there... I'm getting it.

In the meantime, I did make a pretty fun cake for my Sister-in-law's 30th Birthday! 30 is a good time to evaluate where you are in life, look at the goals you have accomplished, and where you want to go from here. This was a hard birthday for her. She is single, and between jobs, and having some financial struggles. She wasn't sure how "happy" she really is at 30. So, I thought it would be fun to make a cake that showed all the "happy" things in her life. (This sounds kind-of like a personal ad... well, if you know any singles guys around 30, that would be interested...)

The Cake

Our Family. Can you tell whose who?

She is a school teacher.

She LOVES to swim, and is a GREAT swim instructor!

She has a Samoyed named KONA.

She is VERY musically talented.

And she is a quilter. Actually she is very creative, and good at sewing.

I found the icing writing pens and thought it would be fun to try them. I HATE them! It doesn't look good at all! I wish I had piped HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICOLE. That is the only part I am really disappointed about. That and how skinny the cake is. There is more frosting than cake! We don't have a large family, and I knew doing two layers would be way too much cake. But I needed the large surface area to put everything on the cake!

I REALLY enjoyed this cake. I got my ideas from on-line, Wilton's Cupcakes Catalog, and Cupcakes!. They were all great for generating ideas and how to put it onto a cake! I would love to do more cakes that are so personal! If you or someone you know, needs a personalized cake, let me know. I would be happy to brainstorm ideas, and decorate a cake for you!

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