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June 22, 2009

i-slice giveaway

With the help of my blogging friends I am offering a GIVEAWAY. I am giving away ONE i-slice, to the readers of my blog. You can win by leaving me comments on this post. You get one entry just for visiting. You can receive an entry for checking out Franny Frugal and/or She Saved (great money saving tips!), come back and tell me you were there, and what you liked about their blog (possible two entries)! Subscribe to my blog feed (look to your left, it's there!), and leave me a comment, for another entry. This is open for the rest of the week. Midnight on Saturday June 27th I will use to select a winner. Good Luck! And happy coupon clipping!


Austin said...

Fun! I'll participate!

Natalie B UT said...

I'm in for the giveaway! Lookin' like pretty good odds!

cpullum said...

I love Pampered Chef!!! I don't have this well I have only been to one pampered chef party and I love there stuff now!! I love cooking!!
Count me in!!

Kary B ID said...

Hey! I want to get in on this. I think I will order from She Saved too! Thanks!

Gail OR said...

This is fun. I love Pampered Chef, but don't have this little thingy.

Noble Beeyotch said...

I'll participate!

Noble Beeyotch said...

I visit SheSaved regularly...Thats how i got to know about your giveaway....i always enter her weekly giveaways!

Noble Beeyotch said...

I subscribe to your feed as well!

Unknown said...

Hey Alyson!

I subscribe to your feed which is how I found out about the give-a-way, and I will pop on over to SheSaved. I am very interested in this!

An Ordinary Mom said...

What a great giveaway! I have always been pretty pleased with Pampered Chef items.

Franny Frugal - I appreciate all the free samples she tells us about.

She Saved - I like the new Poppy line that Coach has.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

I am adding an extra entry for half a dozen

Unknown said...

I am adding an entry for An Ordinary Mom

Unknown said...

I am adding another entry for An Ordinary Mom

Judy P Idaho said...

I gotta get in my last minute entry!