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June 28, 2009

i-slice giveaway winner

Okay, I actually stayed up (blogging on our family blog and posting about puppies!), just so I could do the selection for the i-slice winner. And here it is:
True Random Number Generator Result: 4 Powered by RANDOM.ORG
So comment #4 was:

Kary B ID said...
Hey! I want to get in on this. I think I will order from She Saved too! Thanks!
June 25, 2009 8:43 PM

Kary from Idaho? Contact me through my contact submission at the bottom of the page, or leave a comment. Get me your info, or if you did order, I will add it to your order! Thanks for checking me out!

This was fun. Check back in July, I've got another idea for a giveaway! Thanks to everyone who came to the blog, and advertised my blog, and checked out She Saved and Franny Frugal. Don't forget to check back (at all three sites) for more deals and giveaways!

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