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March 3, 2009

Cat In The Hat Cupcakes

In honor of Dr. Seuss's Birthday we made Cat in the Hat cupcakes. There are a few things I would do differently, if I were to do this again.
We doubled two "Funfetti" cake mixes. I figured we needed 23 + 21 cupcakes (for both classes). So... for 45 cupcakes two cake mixes should have done the trick. Because I was mixing two cake mixes at the same time, I didn't use my electric mixer. I was worried it was too small. So I pulled out my Pampered Chef 8-qt. Stainless Mixing Bowl. Which was a perfect size. But it didn't whisk as well by hand. So we only got 42 cupcakes. 6 less than I thought! I baked them in my Stoneware Muffin Pan and I used the Large Scoop to divide the batter into each cup. After baking I cooled them on the Stackable Cooling Racks.

For the frosting I bought the Betty Crocker tubs for $1. Then I whipped them with the electric mixer. They went A LOT farther!!! That is probably the best tip for ANY cake/ frosting helps. Whether it is homemade or store bought. Whip the frosting for a while. It will be fluffy, easy to work with, and frost so much more! I colored some of it red. That is always a trick. I wanted red not pink, or dark pink. Use the Wilton coloring. It doesn't take as much. The gels are a lot less messy than the grocery store liquids. And then let it sit for a little while. After the color has had time to saturate the frosting, it will become darker.

I used graham crackers for the hats. I did red and white stripes then cut the large pieces into their perforated 4 pieces. Then cut them in half. I couldn't find black licorice rope, so we used "Red Vines- Super Straws". I bought Red Hots for the noses, and decided that was enough for the eyes too. I wouldn't be so cheap next time. I would buy mini M&Ms for the eyes.

I got my idea for this cupcake from "Hello, Cupcake!" and Wilton's- "Cupcake Fun!" I combined Uncle Sam and The Cat. Next time I would add cat ears- I would use dark melting chocolate, do they make black melting chips? And a red bow tie with red melting chips, or maybe white chocolate and red food coloring? Would the chocolate clump with food coloring? If I do it again, I'll let you know.

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